Sakura Trick
The story revolves around Haruka and Yuu, two girls who go to a high school that is slated to be shut down in three years. To share something special between them, they share a kiss, and their relationship deepens from that moment onward.
Aniwatch is a great site to watch anime Sakura Trick , SUB online. You can also watch Sakura Trick in HD or SD quality.
Overview: The story revolves around Haruka and Yuu, two girls who go to a high school that is slated to be shut down in three years. To share something special between them, they share a kiss, and their relationship deepens from that moment onward.
Other names: 桜Trick
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12 / 12
Views: 1,925
Last Added: 2014-03-29 03:27:00
Release Year: 2014
Aniwatch is a great site to watch anime Sakura Trick , SUB online. You can also watch Sakura Trick in HD or SD quality.