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EP 12/12
Bem (Dub)

Bem (Dub)

Bem, Bela, and Belo are ugly humanoid youkai who fight for justice. They live among humans and protect them from evil youkai. The three find themselves ostracized from both humans and other youkai, but the three continue to fight in hopes of one day becoming humans themselves.
TV Series Completed 2019
EP 12/12
Da Zhu Zai

Da Zhu Zai

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ONA Completed 2019
EP 1/1
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS Gaiden: Ami-chan no Hatsukoi

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS Gaiden: Ami-chan no Hatsukoi

Quiet bookworm of the Sailor Senshi Ami takes pride in her studies, but a rival naming himself "Mercurius" is suddenly outscoring her on the national exams. Combine this with a sudden love letter and a youma feeding on Ami's stress over the whole situation, and Sailor Mercury finds herself in a huge pinch.
Special Completed 1995
EP 39/39
Sailor Moon SuperS

Sailor Moon SuperS

SuperS centers heavily on Chibi-usa and the Sailor Team. A new enemy, the Dead Moon Circus, has now appeared. Their motive is to find the Golden Dream Mirror that would be used to rule the world. To do this, the enemy attacks innocent victims for their Dream Mirrors and test their energy. Chibi-usa also has a new ally on her side, Pegasus. This season also sees the Sailor Senshi obtaining new powers.
TV Series Completed 1995
EP 2/2
Yoroiden Samurai Troopers Gaiden

Yoroiden Samurai Troopers Gaiden

Although Talpa has been defeated, the Warriors don't get much of a break. As they celebrate Ryo's birthday party, the news tells them of a strange killer in samurai armor wreaking havoc in New York. And the armor looks very familiar. Now, they will have to battle the ancient sorcerer Shikaisen for Sage's life!
OVA Completed 1989
EP 2/2
Samurai Spirits 2: Asura Zanmaden

Samurai Spirits 2: Asura Zanmaden

One hundred years after their deaths at the hands of a former colleage, six legendary holy warriors are reborn to seek justice against the teammate who betrayed them into the hands of an evil god. Based upon one of the most popular video games of all time, Samurai Shodown is a sprawling feature-length saga of reincarnation and revenge, featuring some of the most spectacular battle sequences ever animated! Join Charlotte, Wan Fu, Nakoruru, Galford and Tamtam as they search the feudal province of Edo questing for their lost comrade, Haohmaru, and their sworn nemesis Shirou Amakusa. Will the followers of the divine light triumph over the forces of the dark, or is the course of history destined to repeat itself? Before their hundred-year journey has ended, six samurai will prove that the only thing stronger than their holy blades is the steel of their wills!
OVA Completed 1999
EP 2/2
Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust

Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust

Villgust is a peaceful world that exists parallel to ours. However, now an evil deity has been revived and has sent evil creatures to destroy many countries, which left darkness and terror to rule the world. The peoples' prayers and cries has reached out to the goddess Windina and in order to free the world from darkness she chose eight brave warriors to defeat the evil deity. Although blessed, these warriors are unaware at the path chosen for them, thus the two groups of Kui, Chris, Fanna, and Youta must meet up with Murobo, Remi, Ryuquir, and Bostov before they can follow the path chosen for them and defeat the evil deity.
OVA Completed 1993
EP 1/1


Toei Animation announced a new short anime on Friday titled "Jurassic!" that will debut streaming on YouTube in mid-August. Most of the staff for the anime are comprised of the younger staff at Toei Animation. The anime is also the first in a series of new projects for the studio featuring the younger staff. The Real-Size Koseibutsu Zukan (Real-Size Extinct Creatures Picture Book) book by Ken Tsuchiya is inspiring the anime, and Tsuchiya is serving as the anime's "extinct creatures supervisor."
ONA Completed 2019
EP 3/3
Mujigen Hunter Fandora

Mujigen Hunter Fandora

Space princess Fandora and her sidekick Que are bounty hunters in an age where warp travel has become a reality, along with space criminals. Fandora possesses the red, magic, "Jewel of Lupia" which she uses to fight with when conventional weapons are ineffective. In pursuit of space criminal Red Eye Geran, they encounter in the kingdom of Lemia a mysterious evil religious leader who has taken control from its legitimate rulers. This individual possesses a blue jewel which will unify the dimensions of the universe and start an age of peace or terror if it is conjoined with the "Jewel of Lupia." And so Fandora and he are fated to meet.
OVA Completed 1985
EP 1/1
Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (Dub)

Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (Dub)

Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, and Lee are sent to protect a prince during his trip around the world and see that he returns safely to his home in the Moon Country. The Moon Country happens to be really rich and as such the Prince tends to buy anything his heart desires, during his travels the Prince would come across a circus group that features a rare Sabre-toothed tiger that he just had to have. So he purchased the entire group. Suddenly a mission to protect just the spoiled prince that hardly listened to anything said, turns in to a mission to look after animals and a prince that doesn't listen to what they say, and in the end somehow get them all back safely to their home country. All the while there are three mysterious Ninja wielding some frightening jutsu waiting for them. Why are they attacking them? What do they want with Team Kakashi!?!
Movie Completed 2006
EP 1/1
Compiler Festa (Dub)

Compiler Festa (Dub)

Compiler and Assembler have been given 3 days to return the the 2-D world. If they do not return the council has sworn to destroy it. How will the they spend their last days on earth. Will they be able to confess their love. If only things were that simple. Now a mysterious character is eliminating other individuals from the 2-D world. Can Compiler and Assembler stop this new fiend and be together with those they love.
OVA Completed 1995
EP 1/1
Youseiki Suikoden (Dub)

Youseiki Suikoden (Dub)

In the early 21st century, an earthquake destroyed Tokyo. Japan lost its center of government and industry, and turned into a lawless territory. Looking for his sister, Takateru Suga learns that she was kidnapped by the powerful Koryukai gang. He decides to ally himself with a drag queen, two ex-mercenaries and a nun to destroy the crime organization and save his sister!
OVA Completed 1993
EP 50/50
Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoiyo!! Masaru-san

Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoiyo!! Masaru-san

Okometsubu Fujiyama has recently transferred over to a new school, Wakame High School. His goal is to make 100 friends--until he meets the extremely weird Masaru Hananakajima. Masaru is a martial artist whose specialty is the "Sexy Commando" form of martial art. Masaru forms a club based on this art, including Fujiyama, who he nicknames Fuumin, in the club. The club becomes full of strange, yet wacky people. Aliens, mustaches, and cute fuzzy animals are encountered as the club moves along and gets steadily more popular.
TV Series Completed 1998
EP 1/1
Compiler Festa

Compiler Festa

Compiler and Assembler have been given 3 days to return the the 2-D world. If they do not return the council has sworn to destroy it. How will the they spend their last days on earth. Will they be able to confess their love. If only things were that simple. Now a mysterious character is eliminating other individuals from the 2-D world. Can Compiler and Assembler stop this new fiend and be together with those they love.
OVA Completed 1995
EP 51/51
Transformers Superlink (Dub)

Transformers Superlink (Dub)

It has been 10 years since the fateful battle with Unicron. Many of the Decepticons who fought in the battle against Unicron have joined forces with the Autobos to mine for Energon, an alternate energy source. But a new source of evil has a risen, Alpha Q who plans to steal the Energon from the Autobots with the help of Scorponok and the Terrorcons. This new evil is trying to revive Megatron and Unicron in order to rekindle the old flames of war.
TV Series Completed 2004
EP 34/34
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars

Like the R Season, Sailor Stars is divided into two arcs: The first arc (also filler) solves some conflicts from the SuperS season, and also sees the return of the Outer Senshi, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, and Hotaru (now reborn as a child). The second arc is the actual plot from the manga. Usagi bids farewell to Mamoru, who is going to America to study abroad. In his place comes the Three Lights, an idol trio consisting of three boys, Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten. The new enemy is Galaxia, a woman who desires to rule the entire galaxy by collecting the Star Seeds of humans. Three new Senshi appear, the Sailor Starlights, who also intend to stop Galaxia without Sailor Moon's help.
TV Series Completed 1996
EP 52/52
Transformers Galaxy Force (Dub)

Transformers Galaxy Force (Dub)

Forced to abandon their home planet of Cybertron due to the threat of the Blackhole, Optimus Prime prepares to lead his autobot warriors to Earth. Just as they are leaving they are confronted by Vector Prime who warns Optimus Prime of the threat to the galaxy if the four Cyber Planet Keys are not gathered in time. However, Megatron has plans of his own for the universe. As they embark on the search, they land on new planets which are inhabited by different Transformer races as well as the Convoys who lead these planets.
TV Series Completed 2005
EP 1/1
Quanzhi Gaoshou zhi Dianfeng Rongyao

Quanzhi Gaoshou zhi Dianfeng Rongyao

Quan Zhi Gao Shou Movie.
Movie Completed 2019
EP 8/8
Chou Henshin Cosprayers

Chou Henshin Cosprayers

Koto unknowingly seals away the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, and now she is in a different world and can't return. Meeting priestesses who combat the evil in this strange place she learns that Black Towers throughout the land keep Amaterasu sealed away and are guarded by evil monsters. Koto must now find a way to help defeat these monsters and return the world to the way it was.
TV Series Completed 2004
EP 13/13
Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden

Uchuu Koukyoushi Maetel: Ginga Tetsudou 999 Gaiden

Maetel abandoned her mother and her home planet, the doomed and frozen La Metal, where people must become cyborgs to survive. When she is beckoned to return, her options seem slim: follow her mother's path (and with it a robot mind and the contempt of all humans), or run away and fight with humans against the machines. Yet, she is not without comrades and defenders. If she can accept the friendship of beings of metal who desire peace, and oppose those who think being made of flesh and blood is enough to make one human, she may still have a chance to find her own path.
TV Series Completed 2004
EP 3/3
CB Chara Go Nagai World

CB Chara Go Nagai World

Various characters from Go Nagai works including Devil Man, Mazinger, and Violence Jack, become trapped in a parody world where they all be come super deformed. They get trapped in this mishmash, fighting each other and are trying to figure a way back to their own world.
OVA Completed 1991
EP 1/1
Kimi no Na wa. (Dub)

Kimi no Na wa. (Dub)

Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl, yearns to live the life of a boy in the bustling city of Tokyo—a dream that stands in stark contrast to her present life in the countryside. Meanwhile in the city, Taki Tachibana lives a busy life as a high school student while juggling his part-time job and hopes for a future in architecture. One day, Mitsuha awakens in a room that is not her own and suddenly finds herself living the dream life in Tokyo—but in Taki's body! Elsewhere, Taki finds himself living Mitsuha's life in the humble countryside. In pursuit of an answer to this strange phenomenon, they begin to search for one another. Kimi no Na wa. revolves around Mitsuha and Taki's actions, which begin to have a dramatic impact on each other's lives, weaving them into a fabric held together by fate and circumstance.
Movie Completed 2016
EP 26/26
UFO Senshi Dai Apolon

UFO Senshi Dai Apolon

The story is about 16 years old boy Takeshi who recently formed an American football team at the BlueSky orphanage. One day the game is interuppted by a light in the sky. Takeshi discovers he is the son of the king of the planet Apolon, spirited away to Earth by his father's retainer Rabi to avoid death at the hands of General Dazaan. He turns out to have special energy abilities which can control UFO saucers from under the ocean floor, which in turn can become robots that are synchronized to their movements.
TV Series Completed 1976
EP 2/2
Ashita no Joe Pilots

Ashita no Joe Pilots

Pilot episodes.
Special Completed 1969
EP 2/2
Yousei Hime Ren

Yousei Hime Ren

Gou has woved to find the legendary treasure of Salamander. Searching for it he meets Ren, a fairy, who is looking for the four treasures of Heart. Gou's childhood friend Mari is frustrated with Gou running after treasures, but befriends with another fairy Rin. Gou and Ren's treasure hunt messes with a secret project led by Mari's father. It turns out Salamander isn't what Gou thought it was in the first place...
OVA Completed 1995
EP 51/51
Fairy Tail: Final Series (Dub)

Fairy Tail: Final Series (Dub)

The final season of Fairy Tail.
Fall 2018 Completed 2018
EP 14/14
Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (Dub)

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (Dub)

Seventeen-year-old Hajime Nagumo is your average, everyday otaku. However, his simple life of pulling all-nighters and sleeping in school is suddenly turned upside down when he, along with the rest of his class, is summoned to a fantasy world! They're treated like heroes and tasked with the duty of saving the human race from utter extinction. But what should have been any otaku's wet dream quickly turns into Hajime's nightmare. While the rest of his class are blessed with godlike powers, Hajime's job, Synergist, only has a single transmutation skill. Ridiculed and bullied by his classmates for being weak, he soon finds himself in despair. Will he be able to survive in this dangerous world of monsters and demons with only a glorified blacksmith's level of strength?
TV Series Completed 2019
EP 5/5
Sentou Yousei Yukikaze

Sentou Yousei Yukikaze

This full 3DCG digital animation has story takes place in the far future after a pillar of huge fog appeared suddenly in the South Pole. This pillar, known as Jam, is actually a passage for an earth invasion. In order to oppose the threat, the United Nations established an earth defense mechanism. Fukai Zero is a hero registered to the main force of earth defense and the special 5th flight squadron. His reconnaissance plane, Yukikaze (windblown snow) is the best tactical reconnaissance plane. His job is to collect battle information return safely to the base with the information. But one day when he about to finish his duty, an unidentified machine attacked him...
OVA Completed 2002


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